
Class Discussion - Quran - 53:1-18 - Attn Alen

- Fri 20 Oct, 2006 10:21 am
Post subject: Quran - 53:1-18 - Attn Alen
Alen wrote:


I don't know, if i asked this before but maybe someone with better Arabic then mine can tell me what is 53:1-18 talking about? I mean, i got some idea what is it talking about but is it what i think it is?

Did Muhammad travel to Paradise and see it?

53:1 As the star descended.
53:2 Your friend was not astray, nor was he deceived.
53:3 Nor does he speak from personal desire.
53:4 It is a divine inspiration.
53:5 He has been taught by One mighty in power.
53:6 Free from any defect, he became stable.
53:7 While he was at the highest horizon.
53:8 Then he drew nearer by moving down.
53:9 Until he became as near as two bow-lengths or nearer.
53:10 He then conveyed the inspiration to His servant what was to be revealed.
53:11 The heart did not invent what it saw.
53:12 Do you doubt him in what he saw?
53:13 And indeed, he saw him in another descent.
53:14 At the ultimate point.
53:15 Near it is the eternal Paradise.
53:16 The whole place was overwhelmed.
53:17 The eyes did not waver, nor go blind.
53:18 He has seen from the great signs of his Lord.

Is this saying that Gabriel came down to Muhammad and Muhammad saw Gabriel and then Muhammad also saw the Paradise?
Because i know that The God sends Gabriel to human messengers to tell the humans what they need to know, right?

I really wanna know this.


Peace mate

you raised the above query on FM and I can see that no one answered you yet, I would like to give a simple answer for now,

the verses are talking about the journey of Miraj and yes Jebril came down to Mohamed and they debarted togther, Mohamed on some sort of transport but Jebril does not need that transport so I guess Mohammed was following Jebril to the horizon of the heaven

Allah send angel messnegers to human messneger not just to tell them what they need to know but they also tell them what they need to do

Take care
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