
Bring it on - Allah does what He wants

- Tue 01 May, 2007 12:28 am
Post subject:
lolz...u peepz still hang out there?

...there's no originality there budz...they simply rip off and present others' ideas as their own...whether it be about djinns or the mecca conspiracy or islam is not a religion, they simply steal what others have said in the past..thieving wannabes! : grin :

amusing that the wannabes do succeed in making sum peepz think they have come out with sumthin' novel! : lolz :
- Tue 01 May, 2007 12:35 am
Post subject:
The wrote:
lolz...u peepz still hang out there?

to be honest bro, there is somthing that I donlt know that keeps dragging me there, I read a lot more that I post of course and certainly I'm not and will not be as active as I used to be there, however I could not let this allegation goes by without refuting it, believe me mate I skip a lot of non sense that is still posted there but this one could not let go

The wrote:
...there's no originality there budz...they simply rip off and present others' ideas as their own...whether it be about djinns or the mecca conspiracy or islam is not a religion, they simply steal what others have said in the past..thieving wannabes! : grin :

what is strange bro that after I show them the Quran verses they claim it is my concept, bloody hell bro, what else other than Quran verses so it is not my concept, they just turn things around somehow the black becomes white the the white becomes red, ironically they have no shame, I guess I should start adding a few to the shamless list on FI database, phonix will be the first to add of course Laughing

The wrote:
amusing that the wannabes do succeed in making sum peepz think they have come out with sumthin' novel! : lolz :

exactly man, however most of their followers are teens and youngs in their twinties, nothing really strange

- Tue 01 May, 2007 7:12 am
Post subject: Re:
He cannot be questioned concerning what He does and they shall be questioned.
[The Quran ; 21:23]

This verse gave me goose bumps, yes we shall be questioned for sure. Its like we are standing in front of a supreme court, the highest, the greatest of all. Allaah u Akbar.

I feel bad for them for not accepting there own messenger thats is Prophet Mohammed, coz he is the messenger for the entire mankind as mentioned in the Glorious Quran but let them enjoy there lovely stay here as again mentioned in the Quran again.

Well, brother you need fuel to burn the hell fire and I pray to Allaah we are not one amongst them, but I fear people who dont accept Allaah atleast. Allaah is also mentioned, that he will increase ignorance in them.

But, i feel horrible to see one created by Allaah is going against the commandment of Allaah. Take care bro
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